Chusnur Ismiati, Fauzan Abdillah, Guruh Marhaenis Handoko Putro


Social media seems to be a means for society to communicate and convey aspirations, inspiration, and innovation to social media users. The communication styles used vary on social media. The aim of this research is to find out the response of the people in Lamongan, especially Generation Z, who are active in social media, and to find out the influence of social media in the 5.0 era on the daily verbal communication style on social media by Generation Z in Lamongan Regency. The problem in this case is that the verbal communication style of idols or public figures is very influential. Generation Z is experiencing an addiction that makes them not want to be separated from gadgets, resulting in low socialization with other people, people who lack focus, and people whose social skills are very weak. A Google Form questionnaire was used to collect data, and the method was quantitative-descriptive with information from books, journals, online articles, and previous publications. Research findings show that Generation Z in Lamongan Regency does not follow bad verbal communication styles on social media. Generation Z in Lamongan Regency will not pay attention to negative actions such as insulting, cursing, backbiting, and sarcasm carried out by idols or public figures they like and will only consider them as material for jokes and entertainment. is in accordance with digital ethics. This research is strengthened by the use and gratification theory as a reference for uncovering this problem.


generation Z; verbal communication style; social media

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