Membangun Kesadaran Komunitas Mengenai Food Loss dan Food Waste Melalui Storytelling

Isti Purwi Tyas Utami


Food loss dan food waste (FLW) merupakan persoalan yang dekat dengan kehidupan warga masyarakat sehari-hari namun belum disikapi secara serius layaknya sampah plastik yang lebih dulu dikenal berbahaya bagi lingkungan. Persoalan sampah makanan tidak hanya berkaitan dengan keberlangsungan lingkungan hidup namun juga persoalan sosial ekonomi mengingat tingginya angka kelaparan di masyarakat dan besarnya kerugian ekonomi yang ditimbulkan. Gereja sebagai bagian dari masyarakat pun memiliki tanggungjawab dalam mengatasi persoalan ini melalui keterlibatan beragam komunitas yang ada di dalamnya seperti komunitas Wanita Katolik maupun Seksi Lingkungan Hidup. Komunitas Wanita Katolik Paroki Maria Bunda Karmel, Wanita Katolik Paroki Santo Andreas, Wanita Katolik dan Seksi Lingkungan Hidup Paroki Santa Theresia merupakan beberapa komunitas gereja Katolik di Jakarta yang memiliki kepedulian terhadap isu FLW. Melalui seminar daring yang memaparkan pengelolaan FLW serta bagaimana menginisiasi perubahan dalam komunitas melalui story telling diharapkan aksi nyata dari setiap komunitas. Tindak lanjut dari seminar daring adalah pendampingan produksi story telling untuk komunitas melalui WhatsApp group. Berdasarkan evaluasi kegiatan didapati bahwa tujuan kegiatan yang menyasar perubahan pada level individu dan komunitas baru tampak pada level individu (choice maker) yang ditandai dengan perubahan sikap anggota komunitas dalam pengelolaan FLW seperti kebiasaan melakukan food audit dan mengolah sampah makanan menjadi eco enzyme. Perubahan di level komunitas (carrier of practice) yang ditandai dengan sikap kritis dengan mengevaluasi dan mengubah pola konsumsi harian (food audit) bersama secara konsisten hingga mampu berbagi inspirasi mengenai FLW melalui story telling media sosial komunitas belum terlaksana sepenuhnya. Upaya edukasi masih sebatas berbagi pengalaman melalui WA group komunitas. Kendala utama adalah belum adanya kebiasaan menulis dan penyajian konten media sosial yang memerlukan penguasaan teknik produksi foto dan video. Solusi yang disarankan adalah mengundang keterlibatan anak muda yang menguasai teknik produksi media digital di komunitas masing-masing untuk membantu produksi story telling media sosial.


Food loss and food waste (FLW) are problems that affect people in the community on a daily basis, but they have not received the same attention as plastic trash, which was once considered to be bad for the environment. The problem of food waste is not only related to environmental sustainability but also to socio-economic issues given the high rate of hunger in society and the large economic losses it causes. The Church, as part of society, also has a responsibility to overcome this problem through the involvement of various communities within it, such as the Catholic Women's Community and the Environment Section. The Catholic Women's Community of Maria Bunda Karmel Parish, the Catholic Women's Parish of Saint Andreas, and the Catholic Women and Environment Section of Santa Theresia Parish are several Catholic church communities in Jakarta that are concerned about the FLW issue. Through online seminars that explain the management of FLW and how to initiate change in the community through story telling, real action is expected from each community. The follow-up to the online seminar is assisting in the story telling production for the community through the WhatsApp group. Based on the evaluation of the activity, it was found that the objective of the activity, which targeted change at the individual and community levels, was only seen at the individual (choice maker) level, which was marked by changes in the attitude of community members toward FLW management, such as the habit of conducting food audits and processing food waste into eco enzyme. Changes at the community level (carrier of practice) that are marked by a critical attitude by consistently evaluating and changing daily consumption patterns (food audit) together so that we are able to share inspiration about FLW through community social media story telling have not been fully implemented. Educational efforts are still limited to sharing experiences through the WA community group. The main obstacle is the absence of the habit of writing and presenting social media content that requires mastery of photo and video production techniques. The suggested solution is to invite the involvement of young people who master digital media production techniques in their communities to help produce social media story telling.


food waste; food loss; story telling; community; online seminar


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